Mary and I now enjoy all the contentedness we once had, but thought was gone for good.
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If you want further information, or just want to comment on anything you’ve seen or read on this site, please don’t hesitate to fill out the form below, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

If you would like a "FREE" 20 minute personal Skype consultation with me, where you can ask any questions that relate to the program, as well as our wonderful "International" Forum, please include the days and times available (your time) in your message below.
Be assured, any personal details given, and the consultation itself, will remain completely confidential AT ALL TIMES.
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Personal Contact Details
You can also contact me on my personal phone - but please make sure it is between the New Zealand hours of 8am to 8pm
International Phone Number: +64 9 298 1965
New Zealand Phone Number: 09 298 1965
Contact Email