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Medical Doctor Testimonials
- Dr Jonathan Sprague 7 October 2003
To whom it may concern,
David has counselled patients of mine who have suffered from panic disorder of specific and generalised kinds, nervous fatigue, and other with obsessional compulsive behaviour disorders.
He uses methodology developed and employed by the late Claire Weekes. I have found his rapport with his clients very patient and caring and his results have been very encouraging, allowing people who were crippled by anxiety to be able to cope well in life again, generally without the continued use of medication.
This method of dealing with anxiety as exemplified by Dr Weekes in her books and as taught by David in his audio tapes, is extremely logical and once taught, is self-directional with the person taking control of their own anxiety disorder, thereby regaining control of their life and freedom from the terrible legacy of anxiety.
Yours faithfully,
Dr Jonathan Sprague
BSc (Human Biology), MBChB, FRNZCGP
General Practitioner - Dr Brian M Thomson 5 November 2004
To whom it may concern,
Mr Johnson has been known to me professionally for the past seven years after a recommendation by Dr John Turbott, consultant psychiatrist. In that time he has helped counsel numerous patients with a mixture of anxiety disorders, depression, and obsessive, compulsive disorders.
I first used him at his Mt Eden rooms where he was known as the “Claire Weekes Memorial Counselling Services”. He uses the self-taught methods of Dr Claire Weekes to help patients with the above mentioned disorders. These patients speak of his enthusiasm, empathy and results with unmarked unanimity.
Following the reading and videos they are given many are able to go medication free after a period of time with this form of CBT. I would strongly recommend him to any mental health services as an aid to their team with a view of curing patients.
Yours faithfully,
Dr Brian M Thomson
General Practitioner