Dear David, Although I do speak to you on a fairly regular basis on the phone I also want other people to know just how much you and your program have and does help me along with my journey to recovery.
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A Personal Acknowledgement
It was fortunate for me when my suffering began in January 1986 that I didn't go here, didn't go there, didn't try this, didn't try that. Instead within weeks I had come across the teachings of Dr Claire Weekes and it was through practicing her teachings that I eventually fully recovered.
I now know one thing for sure, and it is this. The only person who was ever going to be able to help me recover was a past sufferer and this person was Dr Claire Weekes. I will be eternally grateful for the knowledge and understanding she gave me through her teachings and in gratitude am delighted to continue the work that was so important to her. Within this program the spirit and the essence of her life's work lives on. The legacy she has left is far too important to be left on a shelf gathering dust. To my mind Dr Claire Weekes' teachings are timeless.
Shortly before her passing Dr Weekes made it known that one of her last wishes was that her life's work be made available to as many nervously ill people around the world as possible.
By recording and making this programme available to sufferers worldwide I feel I am honouring that wish in my own small way.
Thank you Dr Weekes.
Dr Claire Weekes left this earth on June 2nd 1990. Some leave terror and destruction as their legacy. Dr Weekes on the other hand has left for sufferers all that she learnt through her own suffering. That is, eventual "Freedom From Fear" through her simple teachings.
Furthermore, I would like to thank Vaughan and all the staff at Web Fu Website Design for all their expertise in putting together such a wonderful and user-friendly website.
Also, my thanks go out to Mike Baker at The Flea 88.2FM Auckland New Zealand for his kindness, patience and expertise in spending 21 months recording me as the program was put together.
David Johnson
Resident Counsellor
Freedom From Fear Counselling Centre
Auckland, New Zealand